Tag Archives: natural

Homemade window and glass cleaner

Three days a week, we have a maid in our home from 8am-4pm. She cleans all day only stopping to eat lunch for 30 minutes and an occasional glass of water. Our maid, Gudelia, is a Godsend! She leaves our home looking like a model home and she does it with love! 

The children’s beds are made with care: their hand crocheted blankets and stuffed animals placed adorably on their pillows.

   Even our bed screams “Don’t touch me- I’m too pretty to be slept in! ”
So Gudelia has been with us for two full weeks and after cleaning the house she has managed to find time to iron M’s work shirts (7 shirts in a half hour!) and clean out all the cupboards and pantry and organize better than I could have dreamed! 

So this weekend, I decided I could have her wash the water spots off the windows this week when she has some spare time. 

Once again I wanted a homemade glass and window cleaning recipe, so I grabbed a empty spray at Superama, our local grocery store. When I got home I logged into Pinterest and found a very simple recipe and it works amazingly with no streaks left behind. I hope once you try this you will never buy the toxic stuff at the grocery store. 

So here are my ingredients:




And…. Citrus fresh essential oil because who loves the smell of vinegar?!?! Not me! By the way, you can use any essential oil to mask the vinegar smell, I chose citrus fresh because I had a full bottle and figure the orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lemony scent was perfect for window spray 😉

In a spare spray bottle, add 1 cup of water, 1/2 cup of vinegar, 1/2cup alcohol and 15 drops of citrus fresh essential oil. Shake and your ready to clean! 

Let me know if you decide to try this and how you like it! It’s really too simple not to try…

I hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend!